Nov 27, 2023Liked by Charlie Rewilding

I’m so sorry to hear about this and am very glad that Andrew is okay.

I wonder if you might benefit from changing your language a little, I’ve had to do the same and it does help. I call my meltdowns ‘flares’ now. Because my symptoms increase - thus causing me to need to re-evaluate how I manage my conditions.

It just makes me feel like less of a failure. I’m not having a meltdown - I’m not not coping or trying. I’m having a flare. My conditions are worse at this point and so it’s only right that I rest or respond to these additional symptoms. Just wondered if it would help xxx

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Nov 27, 2023Liked by Charlie Rewilding

I like that refraiming!

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oooo I'll definitely try this, thank you Carrie. I feel like this could be a good approach for quite a few of the 'medical' terms that are used to describe behaviours (from the outside) rather than lived experiences. I guess 'meltdown' has connotations of failure where as 'flares' has connotations of 'yep this is to be expected and I need to take care of myself'. Thank you ❤️

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So sorry to hear about this. Glad Andrew is doing better. I also have no stress response to mask through health scares of my own these days. I think I used to be able to mask through them, now I just feel like I fall apart. And I need days of cave time to be able to look at things from a more rational perspective. It sometimes makes me miss the days when I was better at masking, because it can sometimes feel like I was much better at coping with life back then. Which of course, I wasn’t. But it can feel like that in the moment.

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Thank you Silvia ❤️ I also call it 'cave time' - what a coincidence 😊 - and am exactly the same way. It takes days for me to process it and often I can't think about it rationally until I am better or I have the answers as to why I'm feeling unwell. Dealing with the uncertainty is really hard. I totally relate to it feeling like it would be 'easier' if I could mask through it too, because it feels like 'at least then I could keep distracting myself with life' whereas now I just fall apart in my cave feeling it all so intensely. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with this!

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Nov 27, 2023Liked by Charlie Rewilding

Yes I definitely appear to cope better when others need me to. I've never really analysed why - but yes thinking about it now it'll be that combination of stress and masking. I could deal with all sorts of things when I was teaching that I couldn't do when alone - eg wasps and even a hornet 😱

Also my nervous system is so well practised with the fight, flight or freeze response that this year when a) a swarm of bees came to survey our garden it only took me 3 seconds to get my husband, son and a dog I was looking after inside and all the windows closed!!! I must have flown!! And b) when an adder crossed the path directly in front of myself and another dog out in the fields, I froze and the dog was just behind me!!! I think there was a lot of luck on our side for the snake incident!! 😅 I didn't really freak out/ flare up until I got home!!!

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OMG A SNAKE! waaaa. Glad you got away okay!! These are exactly the types of examples that I'm reflecting on (minus the snake incident 🤣) - I guess part of it now is also knowing what a stress response is and knowing what a meltdown is and being less able to mask them when push comes to shove.

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sorry, what a 'flare up' is!!! Going to have to practice using other language 😅

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I know 🐍 😱😱😱 but at least we find out that we can handle things when we have to!! And we should be proud of ourselves xx

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Nov 27, 2023Liked by Charlie Rewilding

PS meant to say I'm so glad Andrew is recovering. Back spasms are hideous xx

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Nov 27, 2023Liked by Charlie Rewilding

I think I'll keep the term shitty committee. I just love it!

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Please be my guest! 😊

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Nov 27, 2023Liked by Charlie Rewilding

Me too!! 😁

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p.s. Just watched your recent vlogs and I noticed that you mentioned wanting to try acrylic gouache. If you ever want to talk art supplies, I’m always up for it! Also, I might have a few double colours of Holbein acrylic gouache and Turner’s. I’d be happy to send them to you :)

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This is SO kind of you Silvia, thank you! I've actually got a set from my grandmother who handed them down to me when she found out I was interested, but thank you so much for your generous offer. :)

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What an awful, scary situation- I’m so glad Andrew is okay!!! Love that you can see your strengths in this situation- we don’t have to be flawless to be strong! I hope you and Andrew can both get the rest you need ❤️ Also, what’s the difference between 999 and 111 AND why the heck couldn’t/wouldn’t paramedics come sooner??? (This made me mad on your behalf.)

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